Hiccup rules buttons join fans update home
If you have a site you must link back to this fanlisting. This can be done by a simple text link back or using one of the codes below. Please make sure to provide the exact location of the code so I can link you back without problems.
If you choose to use a code to link back to this fanlisting, please upload it to your own webspace or free image hosting service (I recommend Photobucket). Do not direct link any of the codes.
You must link back to http://into-a-dream.com.ar/hhh/
I will gladly accept any codes the fans want to contribute with. All you have to do is contact me and I'll add them here (giving proper credit, of course).
All codes made by Nadia, unless stated otherwise.
Text Link
Example code:
Image Buttons
Please save to your own server (right-click on the image and click on 'Save As') and link back to http://into-a-dream.com.ar/hhh/
Example Code: