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Showing listings under the Literature category...

 Anonymous: Beowulf:  Clare, Cassandra: Mortal Instruments Series, The:  Condie, Ally: Crossed:  Condie, Ally: Matched:  Fielding, Helen: Bridget Jones's Diary:  Genres: Fairy Tales:  Genres: Fantasy:  Genres: Fiction:  Genres: Historical:  Genres: Horror:  Genres: Non-Fiction:  Genres: Romance:  Genres: Romance: Historical:  Genres: Romance: Paranormal:  Genres: Vampire:  James, E.L.: Fifty Shades Trilogy:  King, Stephen: Carrie:  King, Stephen: Pet Sematary:  Magazines: National Geographic:  Meyer, Stephenie: Twilight Series, The: Breaking Dawn:  Meyer, Stephenie: Twilight Series, The: Eclipse:  Meyer, Stephenie: Twilight Series, The: New Moon:  Meyer, Stephenie: Twilight Series, The: Twilight:  Moning, Karen Marie: Fever Series:  Orwell, George: 1984:  Roth, Veronica: Divergent:  Rowling, J. K.: Harry Potter series:  Simons, Paullina: Bronze Horseman series, The:  Tolkien, J.R.R.: Lord of the Rings, The:  Various: Books:  Various: Books: Travel Guides:  Wilde, Oscar: Picture of Dorian Gray, The:

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