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…to Into A Dream, my Fanlisting Collective. By taking a look around you will not only find the fanlistings that own, but you will also get to know a little more about me by checking out all the fanlistings I have joined over the years. Feel free to look around and if you have any questions/ comments, email me.


Into a Dream is home to 120 fanlistings, with 0 upcoming and 0 pending ones. There are a total of 1344 fans and 1 pending approval. I have joined 1442 fanlistings. The collective currently has 3 affiliates.


May, 19th: Diverse, the fanlisting for Argentinai, is now open for business.

April, 14th: application for the Argentina fanlisting sent.


 AMOUR  Queen Of Her Own Universe  ThisLove.nu


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Rainbow Curls


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 No copyright infringement is intented. I claim no rights to any celebrity endorsed material and am in no way affiliated with any authors, artists, labels, etc. This is a non-profit fansite.